8 Haiku

Out of a shadow
cat crosses a lamp-lit street
into a shadow

Against foggy skies—
little dog white, she in blue,
and the poop bag green

Shadows of the ferns
waving to the breezy ferns
from a train’s window


Grey sea and grey sky—
a calligraphy of gulls
rippling in the wind

Pretty little cat
eyeing me as she prances,
leads me to her dish

Crackling transformers
on telephone poles toss sparks
into starry skies


Efforts of these gulls
flapping against a weak breeze—
autumn afternoon

Crescent moon lying
on its back like a rowboat
in a starry sea


Can't Reach You There

I’m going away
I’m going away
This place has got me beat
You know I just can’t stay
It’s all a big mistake
I’ve got to get away

I’m not the man
I’m not the man
Who can just fit right in
To their little plan
And when they know that I can’t
I’m on the run again

I’m in the way
I’m in the way
And they’ve got a job to do
That’s what they say
They made the place strict and straight
And aim to keep it that way

They’ve drawn the line
They’ve drawn the line
There’s nothing that I can do
To ever change their minds
I’ll slip away in the night
And leave them all behind

And so I go
And so I go
If you’ve ever felt like me
Then I know you know
And sometimes when we meet
I feel like I’m home

But friend beware
They’re everywhere
They’d chase you out of your skin
On a whim I swear
Where’s the love you keep way down deep?
They can’t reach you there
