teeming with people at lunch time—
the smell of fried food
Morning train
uniformed young man
strides bysmiling, with a gun
A solid grey day—
people so slow and
sleepyin the calm still air
Cracking explosion
rips through the
packed evening train—old man dropped his cane
Lying under sky,
my breath rising and
falling,cars breezing by
I do some yoga
before the party—and
nowI don’t want to go!
Drunk man savoring
his cigarette on a cold
stone bench at dusk
Alone on the beach—
friend at the end of
the worldcalling out my name
A beautiful mood—
you don’t see it go,
you justrecognize it’s gone
Caterpillar train
crawling out of its tunnel—
sleepy grey morning
Whispering rhythm
from some earphones
on the train—sleepy grey morning
A parade of garbage
sliding along the asphalt—
cloudy morning breeze
so many faces!
On the phone he
like a little guy
who squintsupward when he talks
Everywhere I go
I hear a chirping
cricket—it’s my belt buckle!
Honking geese and whoosh
of a train by the platform—
heading home from work
Black bird on a post—
doesn’t budge when
people passon the path at dusk
Little dragonfly
buzzing between
green branches—slow-falling feather
A green baseball field
speckled with stars of seagulls—
misty morning calm