laughter overhead—I can’t
find him in the sky
Food court at lunch hour—
man shouting and gesturingat a laptop screen
Big plump sun pushes
the roof of a hazy sky—slow yawning morning
Glittering cars parked
in neat rows along the beach—smell of grilled sausage
Still and silent by
the windy afternoon beach—glittering parked cars
A sunlit garden—
the porch light’s night watch endingwith faint orange glow
Foggy morning beach—
briskly stretching woman withpink fluorescent cap
An opossum’s corpse
between the steel railroad tracks—tongue out, belly up
Telephone pole glows
like a cross against the clouds—now’s the golden hour
White plastic bag
tumbling along the sidewalkunder buzzing wires
A huge obese man
trudges through the parking lotaided by a cane
Hummingbird hovers
in a still space in the air—blurred wings like a bee’s
The sandy sound of
bottles rubbing togetherin my shopping bag
White brush-stroke clouds make
a nest for the crescent moon—bright blue afternoon
Thanks to Paul
is it right to deride treesfor rarely blooming?
Seagulls gang around
the edge of a steamy lake—cars rolling to work
I bike by blank homes
on a quiet grey weekday—brilliant crisp breeze
O poor Man! Convinced
he can redeem himself ina game of poker
Through the autumn leaves
the whispering watery soundof a high noon breeze
Fixing her lashes
on a bumpy morning train—tall tightrope walker!
Foggy muggy dawn—
taped to a telephone polea sign says FOUND CAT
I smell her before
I see her! Perfumed
womantexting in the park
Big Mind rides this train
with all of our other minds—smiling like a sun
Two flashing red lights
on the tops of two towers—dusk grows into dawn
Ram’s head in the sky!
Or maybe it’s Medusa’s?Big blot of dark clouds
Standing in the shade
in the park with my eyes closed—the breeze on my face
The mirror reflects
its opposite—but I don’tunderstand how
Huge outdoor concert—
the wind-shivering trees givesolace from the crowds
Huge outdoor concert—
the trees and the gulls acceptit all, unimpressed
The shuddering wings
and grunting calls of ravenspassing overhead