How’s it like
out there?
says the chief
from behind a big desk
in a vault of an office
Well, Chief…
everyone’s wearing
plastic identity tags
at their waists and necks
and their faces are bad
abstracted in worlds of their own
while the world they walk in
is blurred with noise
huge rattletrap buses
booming through the streets
and smudging the air
with burned fuel
cars screeching through the maze
under choppers
gouging the sky with the planes
and it’s HOT out there, Chief!
too hot to eat
even though you’re hungry
but when you see hot vendors
selling hot food
from hot stalls on the street
you feel disgusted
and tricked
and you stamp though the crowds
trying to stay in the shade
made by big blank buildings
with air-conditioned guts
I admit it, Chief,
I hid in the library
it was cool in there
and quiet
(except for a few
cellphones sometimes)
and I lost myself
in books for a while…
But instead
you say fine
and he says fine
and you’re free
to go back to your desk
and type a report
Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics.
check out these links...
Crack in the Ceiling
Poetry by Thomas Radwick
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