Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

Loved So Terribly

I was born in a hot house
That blurred the glaring sun
I watched and I waited
For something to happen
Light burned through the cracks and
I knew I had to run

I ran through the desert
The sun burned my bare face
I was lonely and desperate
To find another place
Where passionate people
Opened their warm embrace

I made some good friends and
I got burned by some creeps
Those creeps raped a gentle
Simple kindness in me
I dreamed of revenge and
I sought it violently

I swallowed the darkness
The darkness swallowed me
I swallowed more darkness
More darkness swallowed me
I lost the bright star that
I loved so terribly


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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