is kindness
Americans at leisure:
just resting up
to go psycho!
A style
supported by
City streets scenes—
reminding you so forcibly
of the failure of the world
kill yourself
over stupid shit
The greatest
gift is
calmly sitting still
I’m not afraid
of the sadness of life,
he thought as he entered the bar
If you’re going full throttle
about something all the time
you will crash badly
The courage
to look the other guy in the eye
and smile
“I’m an actor alright—
but only when I’m
kidding around!”
The start of the journey
was only a pretext
for something unseen
I hate this age
I’m a rebel
of time!
It seems like
a silly ruse
all of it
That star
up there
is helping me
Playing golden music
in the golden butter sun
and realizing it’s my birthday
“This ale
tastes like
a copper penny!”
They live a mean life—
so that you can live
in a hothouse
At leisure in public—
and not having
to talk!
“It’s hard
being young—
I didn’t like it!”
When fame came
he was already
“When I’m not living in
a delusional fantasy world
I get very depressed!”
envy him
his woman
Too much
is death