Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

10 Haiku

Drenched streets before dawn—
hard rain popping underfoot,
everything gleaming

Under a street lamp
he keeps thrashing and punching
a foe who’s not there

Tiny black bird’s song—
like squirting silver liquid
in the sunny air


Old men turn into
babies and laugh in these clouds
that keep drifting past

A smiling toad’s face
of clouds in the wind-torn sky—
platinum twilight

Cigarette model
free from his billboard era—
now a puff of cloud


Tonight’s drooling rain—
as if the roof of heaven
had ten thousand leaks!

She’s tracing her eyes
with a pencil stub on this
bumpy speeding train!

Rushing water sound
of wind in trees and traffic
hurrying homeward


The late plum blossoms
pink against a stormy sky
look like fleeing birds

—Thanks to CJK


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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