Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

10 Haiku

There’s nothing to do
and so the cat does nothing—
asleep in the sun

Lying sick in bed
listening to the far-off
hiss of wind and cars

“Chiseled dagger” moon—
remembering poetry
beneath it at dusk


Contorting her face
on the train so she can tweeze
stray hairs from her chin

In the blue above
a squat government building
the faint frowning moon

Chitter of dry leaves
on the sun-bleached sidewalk
in a swirl of wind


Tock-tocking windchime
in a blowing Spring garden—
cat huddles with me

Lunching on the street—
skinny pigeon at my feet
stabbing at the crumbs

Under foggy skies
lattices of power lines
and pink plumb blossoms


Rescued from brooding
by five twitting hummingbirds
feasting in a tree


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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