Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

10 Haiku

Friday night twilight—
we wait on a cold corner,
traffic blasting by

Ploosh! Plap! and then comes
an indescribable stench!
All from eating beef!

Even the water
for the fake hotel room plant
is fake—fake water!


My tender footsteps
down a rain-glazed evening street—
hiss of sizzling tires

So enchanted by
steam rising from a tea cup
while my work screen glares

I turn off my ‘phone’
—freaking pocket computer!—
and feel real Power


It’s quite a nice life—
under warm blankets at night
listening to rain

Hearing two men talk
on the train to work I think
of stacking boxes

How much I prefer
walking in the gushing rain
to riding this train!


Brighter than streetlamps
lighting my trudge home from work—
a swan-white full moon


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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