Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

9 Haiku

It’s a lonely life—
pitiless geometry
of downtown buildings

He makes his boss rich
and pays his landlord’s mortgage—
no wonder he’s tired!

The morning glories
seem to giggle in the breeze
while we talk business


A moment alone—
I find myself thinking of
so many people

Fasting for two days—
when asked how I was, I said
“Very empty”

Calm and unshaven,
refusing all the demands
of a smoky world


I just want to gaze
at sky blue morning glories
and not work at all!

That’s one happy soul—
you hear music in her voice
whenever she speaks

Released to the sky,
climbing toward the chalk-faced clouds—
a silver balloon


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Denise said...
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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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