Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

Good News! Geese Exist!

Lester Bangs: Dolphy didn’t MOVE you?
Captain Beefheart: Well, he moved me, but he didn’t move me as much as a goose…

Good news! Geese exist!
Great glorious gaggles of
geese! Most master blasting
jazz saxmen don’t move
me as much as a goose
dude! Like when one’s
honking on a pond
and his crazy cry
bangs the lid of the sky
and shivers through the others
who squawk in a raucous
chorus that lifts in a burst
off the water like a wing
and the pond’s glass face
is a flash of pure sky
and all those longthroated
blackfaced bellbodied
great gorgeous geese
are gone.


Metal Machine Music

Impression of a sound recording
by Lou Reed released in 1975:

A bandsaw shredding cadaverous
limbs on a berserk conveyorbelt
sizzling with boiling acid while a dry
ice police siren shrieks in a cement canyon
between endless huge anonymous buildings
with windows like insect eyes


Head Home

After work you almost get
a hard-on from greasy bikini
beer ads in a liquor store.
olé! Buy a bag of
Unsalted Penis

instead. Smile shyly at
a strangely unsleazy
middleaged Mediterranean
clerk who beams back
beneath boiling black

curls. Leave. Breathe.
Imagine an ocean
beyond the black asphalt.
Smell the sea salt
as the tide slides

to the sand’s end
and the sun bends
to the edge of the Earth.
Day’s done. Head home.
A car blurts a heralding horn.


Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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