Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

Mega Go

I am an American. I awaken to applause.
And flashes. And cartoon spring
My chosen name is Mega(n) Go(rdon).
A motivated seller of what you seem to need to own.
Blank houses. White pages. Black holes.

But I have lived in another land
where the air was full of scowling winds
and the smell of roasting peppers.

People there were sober. Serious. Somber. Surly.
They had gravity. Not velocity. This frightened me.

So I got my ass back to the whirling world I’d known.
And got busy. Scattering sparks in a sky
of champagne twilight hollering like a billboard
Hi! Hi! Hi!

The hollow behind the hullabaloo had chased me from its sight;
now I choose to drown in noise for all my blinding life.
And who knows? I may be right.


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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