Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

Magnetized Eyes

With magnetized eyes in the mirror
she splashes her face and decides

It’s pretty.
But what destiny
does that offer me?

Should I just
let them lacquer me
at Hairtastic Nailphoria
till I glow like a flash
on a screen?

And then flee
down the fastest fashion
path to unhappiness?

Where some Rumpelstiltskin can
ransom me with pregnancy
and then marry me

That’s the nasty aftermath
of someone stunned by images
of others pretending to live!

Better to stare at a tree
(so luminously green!)
somewhere and breathe
the moving air.

And stare.
And decide what to do from there.

Then she rubs a towel in her face
and starts her busy day.


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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