Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

9 Haiku

Biking before dawn—
scratching of a dry leaf blown
across the asphalt

Dawn: climbing the stairs
out of the subway station—
giant harvest moon!

Warm evening churchbells—
in the back of a pickup
a man is napping


Morning commuters—
squatting on a power line,
raven cleans his feet

A puff of milkweed
climbing the noon sky—small
as an airplane, then gone

Parrots shriek at dusk
from their hotel courtyard cage—
my wine’s rather sour


Beware the black foot
of an ant on a mountain
many miles away

Religious statue—
crouched on one knee, searching high
heaven for a god

Trying to escape
the harsh light, in the cool grove
we seek the sunshine


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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