Writings by Thomas Radwick. Mostly poetry and lyrics. t_radwick@yahoo.com

8 Haiku

Cursing a fly who
won’t leave through the opening
I make in the screen

The golden hour—
a drunken man on the train 
mutters to himself

Sunday night’s full moon
gleams white in the chilly air—
laughing partiers


Speeding over roofs
on a train after sunrise—
the redheaded trees

Silhouettes of two
socks in a shaded window—
walking in the rain

Stain of a shadow
on a sunlit red brick wall—
big curly tree head


A cello swelling
in the fluorescent belly
of a train station

For George Carlin:

Earth suddenly shrugs
Man off its back, thanking us
for all the plastic


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Crack in the Ceiling

Poetry by Thomas Radwick

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